What We Do
What is closest to the heart of the Saints is Feeding the poor (annadhanam) it is no wonder that our Gurunathar commenced annadhanam as early as 1976 at Thanjavur Big Temple where He was spiritually initiated by His Guru Saint Karuvoorar.

In - House Food Serving
What is closest to the heart of the Saints is Feeding the poor (annadhanam) it is no wonder that our Gurunathar commenced annadhanam as early as 1976 at Thanjavur Big Temple where He was spiritually initiated by His Guru Saint Karuvoorar.
Every Chitra Pournami day (first full moon day of every Tamil Calendar year) witnessed thousands of people being fed inside Thanjavur Big Temple. Gurunathar commenced annadhanam at Ongarakudil in 1988. Started with feeding just five people, to date about 200 Million people have been fed. Suitable infrastructure also developed to meet this requirement.
Ongarakudil complex houses three full-time dining halls and two additional dining halls put to use, whenever need arises.

Food Serving At Villages
Feeding the poor does not stop with Ongarakudil. Thuraiyur town is surrounded by over 500 villages and people of these villages once upon a time thrived on flourishing agriculture, weaving, cattle farming etc., It is not the case anymore due to continuous failure of monsoons year after year. So, the poverty level is very high in these villages. With no income, and living farther away from Ongarakudil, villagers were unable to travel to Ongarakudil.
Gurunathar felt the need to take food to their doorsteps. Our volunteers carry food everyday evening to 5-6 villages and distribute to the villagers. It is a sight to be seen as Gurunathar’ s mercy on these villagers is so explicit and overwhelming that they turn up in huge numbers, queue up without any murmur and quarrel, collect food for their families.
Our inquiries reveal a pathetic fact that they use this food for two meal times for dinner and next day’s breakfast.

Porridge and Food Donation throughout TamilNadu
Herbal nutritious porridge called Arutkanji is being served at Govt. Hospitals all over Tamilnadu. Regular food is also distributed to the needy people at important places in villages, towns and cities almost all the districts in Tamilnadu. This is done by through our branches with the help of our Gurunathars devotees and volunteers.

Animal Feeding
Cattle of the villages especially cows provide a small income to the villagers in Thuraiyur Taluk. However, due to dry conditions, feeding them has been a nightmare to the owners. Only another option to them is to sell them for slaughterhouses. To prevent this, our Gurunathar advised His disciples to feed the cows wherever possible.
Our vans carry grass bundles and distribute them in the nearby villages. Even Monkey at near by hills are without food because of the dryness and they are also fed with food and water on regular basis.

Eye Camp
Saints stress on service to people in any possible manner. One such effort is screening the elders and villagers for major eye diseases like Cataract, Glaucoma etc., In association with Rotary Club and Sankara Hospital-Coimbatore, quarterly eye camp held in our premises.
Ongarakudil provides space, admin and through suitable advertisement in villages and Thuraiyur town help draw they, patients. After screening, patients are taken by these voluntary agencies to Coimbatore for surgery and other treatment. People who come to camp fed by Ongarakudil during this course. So for more than 3000 people benefited by cataract surgery thru this screening camp.

Ambulance Service
Our ambulance service provided at nominal tariff to the poor who could not afford high rentals to a regular ambulance service for shifting the patients. We are equipped with 3 ambulances serving 24/7. People in and around Thuraiyur are well benefited by our services.